COSE Key objects hold cryptographic keys. They are encoded as a CBOR map and can be embedded in COSE Headers for transportation inside a COSE message. The CoseKey class is the abstract base class for all COSE key types:

The CoseKey class can be used to decode serialized COSE keys.

>>> from pycose.keys import CoseKey
>>> from binascii import unhexlify

>>> encoded_key = 'a401012006215820898ff79a02067a16ea1eccb90fa52246f5aa4dd6ec076bba0259d904b7ec8b0c2358208f781a09'\
...               '5372f85b6d9f6109ae422611734d7dbfa0069a2df2935bb2e053bf35'

>>> cosekey = CoseKey.decode(unhexlify(encoded_key))
>>> cosekey
<COSE_Key(OKPKey): {'OKPKpD': "b'\\x8fx\\x1a\\tS' ... (32 B)", 'OKPKpX': "b'\\x89\\x8f\\xf7\\x9a\\x02' ... (32 B)", 'OKPKpCurve': 'Ed25519', 'KpKty': 'KtyOKP'}>

>>> type(cosekey)
<class 'pycose.keys.okp.OKPKey'>

# Check the curve type of this key
>>> cosekey.crv
<class 'pycose.keys.curves.Ed25519'>

# Check the private bytes of this key
>>> cosekey.d

Alternatively, CoseKey objects can be initialized from PEM-encoded keys:

>>> from pycose.keys import CoseKey

>>> pem = '-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\n' \
...       'MFkwEwYHKoZIzj0CAQYIKoZIzj0DAQcDQgAEyIBhex88X7Yrh5Q4hbmsUYpcVWNj\n' \
...       'mx1oE7TPomgpZJcQeNC3bX++GPsIWewWEGGFJKwHtRyfrL61DTTym3Rp8A==\n' \
...       '-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n'

>>> cosekey = CoseKey.from_pem_public_key(pem)
>>> cosekey
<COSE_Key(EC2Key): {'EC2KpY': "b'\\x10x\\xd0\\xb7m' ... (32 B)", 'EC2KpX': "b'\\xc8\\x80a{\\x1f' ... (32 B)", 'EC2KpCurve': 'P256', 'KpKty': 'KtyEC2'}>



class pycose.keys.cosekey.CoseKey(key_dict)

Abstract base class for all COSE key types.

classmethod decode(received)

Decodes a CBOR-encoded COSE key object.


received – A CBOR-encoded bytestring.


An initialized COSE key.

static from_pem_private_key(pem, password=None, optional_params=None)

Initialize a COSE key from a PEM-encoded private key.

  • pem – PEM-encoded private key.

  • password – Password to decrypt the key.

  • optional_params – Optional parameters to add to the key.


an initialized CoseKey object.

static from_pem_public_key(pem, optional_params=None)

Initialize a COSE key from a PEM-encoded public key.

  • pem – PEM-encoded public key.

  • optional_params – Optional parameters to add to the key.


an initialized CoseKey object.

property kty

Returns the value of the mandatory KpKty key parameter

property alg

Returns the value of the KpAlg key parameter

property kid

Returns the value of the KpKid key parameter

property key_ops

Returns the value of the KpKeyOps key parameter

property base_iv

Returns the value of the KpBaseIV key parameter