Installing pycose


The commands here will install pycose in your current environment. By default, that is your platform’s user install directory.

To keep that clean, or to use different sets or versions of libraries for different purposes, you may want to look into the venv documentation, which explains both the concept of virtual environments and how they are used on different platforms.


There is package on PyPI which holds the name pycose. This package contains old code from this project. Since I am not the maintainer of that PyPI project, I cannot update its code or delete the package.

It is recommended to install the latest released version of pycose:

$ pip3 install pycose --upgrade

Development version

If you want to explore pycose’s internals or consider contributing to the project, the suggested way of operation is getting a Git checkout of the project:

$ git clone
$ cd pycose

You can then use the project from that location, or install it with:

$ pip3 install -e .

To build the docs locally you should navigate to the docs folder and run the the Makefile or .bat script depending on your operating system:

$ cd docs
$ make html

The resulting html documentation will be build in the folder _build. You can then view the documentation by opening index.html with your browser.